суббота, 12 ноября 2011 г.

permed eyelashes in PROCTOR permed eyelashes PROCTOR

permed eyelashes in PROCTOR

permed eyelashes

permed eyelashes PROCTOR

permed eyelashes in PROCTOR.However, do you know that it is actually possible to perm your eyelashes too?
Perming eyelashes is a semipermanent alternative to curling the lashes every day to receive fuller and great looking eyelashes.
So, if you are tired of using the every morning, getting your eyelashes permed is a good option.
Perming your eyelashes will enhance the beauty of your eyes and make them look alert and active.
Nevertheless, before you make an appointment at your local salon, it is important for you to know about permed eyelashes in detail.
It is a cosmetic procedure which is done by applying chemicals on the eyelashes.
Here are certain crucial things that you have to know about permed eyelashes.
Though there are various eyelash perm kits available in the market, one should always get it done by a professional.
This is because by trying to perm eyelashes at home, the risk of damaging the eyelashes are very high.
You should use these kits only if you are professionally trained to do so.
Before beginning the procedure of perming eyelashes, it is important to clean and dry the lashes thoroughly.
The professional will first remove any traces of with a makeup remover or a non oily cleanser.
After they are cleansed, they will also be dried.
Then, with small rollers, she will roll your eyelashes and apply water soluble glue to keep the lashes in their place.
The next step is the application of the perming lotion on the eyelashes.
This solution is allowed to stay on the eyelashes for 1520 minutes, after which the glue and the lotion are removed gently with a damp cotton.
Then, the rollers are taken off from the lashes and some lash conditioner is applied on them to make them look soft.
It can take anywhere between 40 to 50 minutes for the completion of the entire procedure.
Although the above procedure of have various advantages, it does not come without any disadvantages.
One of the major advantages of perming eyelashes is that it rewards you with gorgeous looking lashes.
Also, as the effect of the perm remains on the lashes for 34 months, one can save a lot of time and effort because one does not have to curl the lashes everyday.
Also, even if you have very short lashes, this procedure can make your eyelashes look longer as well as fuller.
However, the cons of permed eyelashes actually are more than its pros.
As the perming solution is made of chemicals, it can cause allergic reactions in people who have very sensitive skin.
Also, there is a risk of the lotion going into the eyes and causing severe problems.
Another drawback of the perming solution is that it emits a very strong odor.
Sometimes, if the procedure is not done properly, it can also cause the eyelashes to fall off which may take several weeks or months to grow back.
Apart from this, people have reported that sometimes, the permed look remains only for five weeks, after which they come back to their normal state.
I hope you that you found this article on permed eyelashes informative.
However, if you do so, it is important to remember that you should not use a remover while removing the mascara.
This can damage the effect of the perm.
Also, you should refrain from curling your permed eyelashes as this can cause your lashes to fall off because the perming procedure will have made your lashes very sensitive.
So, if you decide to get your eyelashes permed, choose to do it only from a trained professional.
Once you get your lashes permed, take good care of it, to maintain the gorgeous look for a maximum number of weeks.

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